Till Daldrup

Till Daldrup 

Training & Outreach Programming Coordinator at The Wall Street Journal.





The Wall Street Journal | Training & Outreach Programming Coordinator and Media Forensics Team Co-Lead
05/2019 - Present

  • Led the development of an internal newsroom training app, which houses training materials, webinar recordings and information about upcoming training sessions and journalism conferences.

  • Planned and facilitated more than 170 training webinars for newsroom members and university partners in 2020, including tutorial sessions for the Journal's CMS and newsroom planning and charting tools.

  • Designed and implemented a six-month “Advanced Python” training program for continuous learning of programming languages at the Journal, which helps newsroom members develop coding and data journalism skills.

  • Launched an internal media forensics newsletter with advice on how to verify photos and videos and led training courses on deepfake detection and photo and video verification. Developed an internal workflow for authenticating user-generated content.

Dow Jones Innovation | Researcher
01/2019 - 05/2019

  • Researched 30+ macro trends that are going to impact the media industry over the next five years and developed an internal methodology for trend forecasting.

  • Conducted user interviews to test the prototype of a new research tool.

  • Helped prepare several workshops and wrote a workshop pre-read on the future of audio, which was distributed to podcast producers, marketers and executives at News Corp.

The Wall Street Journal | Research Fellow
06/2018 - 01/2019

  • Led a research project on deepfakes and identified best practices for the detection of videos, images and audio files forged with the help of artificial intelligence. This research resulted in a handbook distributed to WSJ journalists and the creation of a Media Forensics team within the Journal that helps reporters identify altered media.

  • Created an inventory of innovative projects, which tracks the Journal's efforts in long form storytelling, 3D graphics, immersive experiences, live journalism, podcasts, data visualization and other areas. This enables the Journal's strategists to oversee progress and document lessons learned from new projects.

De Correspondent | Strategic Advisor
01/2018 - 05/2018

  • Developed strategies for the launch of an international edition in 2019.

  • Proposed ways of adapting DC's manifesto and slogan to the international market based on audience research and analysis of the anglophone media landscape.

  • Deployed user testing to come up with a newsletter strategy targeted at an English-speaking audience and developed strategies for collaborating with different communities in the US.

Fast Company | Contributor / Project Manager
09/2017 - 03/2018

  • Led a team of seven journalists investigating a landmark case of securities fraud through an initial coin offering and trained them in reporting on cryptocurrencies.

  • Conducted research, tracked down sources and fact-checked the story.

  • Wrote a script for an explainer video on initial coin offerings.

Forbes | Contributor for “The World’s Billionaires”
12/2017 - 02/2018

  • Tracked down multiple billionaires and estimated their net worth by investigating their company shares, real estate and other assets.

Kölner Studierendenzeitung | Editor-in-Chief
12/2016 - 09/2017

  • Oversaw a team of more than 20 journalists, illustrators and photographers.

  • Assigned stories, copy edited and proofread newspaper.

  • Helped organize a town hall meeting with state election candidates.

St. Gallen Symposium Magazine | Editorial Staff Member
05/2015 & 05/2016

  • Covered technology and how it is going to affect our everyday lives in the future.

  • Interviewed business leaders such as Maersk CEO Nils Smedegaard Andersen.


Programming Python, R, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Project Management Airtable, Trello

Chat bots  Dexter, Dialogflow, Twilio

Photo/video  DSLR cameras, Premiere, Photoshop, Lightroom  

Social Media  Crowdtangle, Parse.ly, Chartbeat, Samdesk

Languages  German (fluent), French (proficient), Spanish (beginner)


St. Gallen Symposium | named "Leader of Tomorrow" 

For the essay "Reporters, stay on your toes – how AI might disrupt journalism after all" on the future role of smart speakers in the news business 



New York University
09/2017 – 12/2018

M.A. in Journalism, Studio 20 program for digital innovation in media

Specialization: Data Science, Product Management, Voice Interface Design


University of Cologne
04/2013 - 08/2017

Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with a concentration in Media Analysis and Social Psychology

Study Abroad: Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne (Fall Semester 2014)


Cologne School of Journalism
10/2012 - 10/2016

Qualification as an economics journalist with a focus on technology and startups

Internships: Stern magazine | Business Reporting Intern (08-10/2016), Zeit Online | Data & Investigative Intern (02-04/2016), NDR Info | Business Reporting Intern (08-10/2015), Wirtschaftswoche Online | Business Reporting Intern (02-04/2015), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Frankfurt Desk Intern (08-10/2013), Münchner Merkur | Munich Desk Intern (02-04/2013)   


